
In the Specialties category you will find spare parts for cardio equipment, such as treadmills, rowers, bicycles, among others. You will also find parts for bodybuilding equipment, including multi-functions, crossovers, multi-stations, among many others. Spare or replacement parts for the most varied equipment, whether from the professional line or the domestic line. Get the most out of your equipment with our solutions. Construction parts taking into account the specificity of each piece of equipment. Personalized service and assistance to find the part you need. Availability of online or local purchase. Delivery of the parts in store or shipment of the parts by carrier to any point in the country. Competitive prices on all products in the Specialties area, thus obtaining the best performance for your equipment repair. If you can't find the product you want, get in touch, we'll do our best to help you!
MC2100 MC2100E MC2100ELS controller board
Original price was: 310.00 €.Current price is: 149.00 €.
Treadmill running belt (40-50 cm) Treadmill running belt (40-50 cm)
114.95 198.85 
Electric treadmill motor 180V / 10cm Electric treadmill motor 180V / 10cm
Original price was: 286.00 €.Current price is: 189.99 €.
Treadmill deck Treadmill deck
130.78 374.30 
Treadmill safety key Treadmill safety key
18.50 30.00 
Pulley for Weight Machines Pulley for Weight Machines
Silicone lubricant for treadmills
Original price was: 18.00 €.Current price is: 14.95 €.
DCMD67 DCMD57 controller board
Original price was: 260.00 €.Current price is: 149.00 €.
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Find out what you need to know about Crossfit training for beginners, including the best Crossfit equipment. Get ready to enter the world of Crossfit effectively and safely!

Main causes of treadmill malfunctions In this article we intend to address the main causes of treadmill malfunctions. First of…

In this article we intend to address the theme of fitness treadmills, not from the point of view of the physical exercise that is assumed, but from the perspective of the machine that it is.